SafeVideo Terms of Use

General Rules

These terms (Hereby referred to as the "Terms of Use" or "This Document") constitute an agreement with Thinclient OÜ, (Hereby referred to as "Thinclient") and all concerned to make our operation methods more clear and efficient.Those wishing to register to use Our Services, consent to the terms within This Document. Those registered to Our Services (Hereby referred to as "Member(s)"), or all those (including Members) who potentially use any of Our Services (Hereby referred to as "User(s)") consent to holding full liability.Users and Members agree to these Terms of Use and the Terms of Use for each Service upon using Our Services.

Fundamental Guidelines

1. Privacy Policy

Please refer here to see our Privacy Policy.

2. Using Our Services.

  • Safevideo Application and Consent
    A SafeVideo application constitutes FC2 lending a UserID and password necessary for the use of Our Service. However, in the event that information supplied by the User during application contains falsehoods, or in the event that Thinclient concludes that a User’s use of Our Service is inappropriate, Thinclient retains the right to cancel any Members’ FC2ID. Thinclient is not obligated to notify the Member about the cancellation. As the utilization of FC2ID is required for use, Users must also be compliant to FC2 Terms of Use.
  • Notice and Contact
    Thinclient will notify users about necessary information, in a matter Thinclient considers appropriate, including through Thinclient's website or email etc. In this case, Thinclient may use the information submitted by the users (including information provided by third-party services with user's consent). When such notices are sent by email or over our website, they may come into effect from the point they were sent. Users do not retain any right to refuse emails from Thinclient, and Users are obligated to inform us of any change in contact email address, immediately. Users acknowledge that Thinclient does not accept contact by phone, fax or visitation. All notices which require replies must be replied to within a specified period by Thinclient. If Thinclient does not receive a confirmed reply within this period, Thinclient retains the right to freeze and/or cancel Users' account(s).
  • Registered Email Address, User ID and Password
    Users are held fully responsible for their registered email addresses, User Ids and Passwords. By applying, Users agree that Thinclient cannot be held accountable for any loss or damage caused by a User's mistake and/or improper use by a third party. Furthermore, Thinclient is not obligated to reissue Users' email address, User ID or password.
  • Transfer/Sale of Service Privileges
    Users are in no way permitted to sell, transfer or loan their SafeVideo and/or service privileges to a third party without expressed approval from Thinclient, nor may these be shared in a way that determines Thinclient.
  • Access
    All Users are required to have Internet access in order to use SafeVideo services. This Internet access will need to be installed and maintained at the User's own expense. SafeVideo is in no way responsible for arranging Internet access for Users.
  • Traffic and Domain
    SafeVideo retains the right to set and alter limitations to file sizes, savable domain space, and data transfer on its services, where otherwise undefined, and may do so at our own discretion.

3. Prohibited Conduct and Bans

  • Thinclient expressly prohibits the following conduct, or any corresponding conduct as determined by Thinclient, on Our Services. Thinclient retains the right to ban, without warning, any User who has engaged in prohibited acts or conduct, or take any possible form of legal action; and may demand compensation or reparations from any User who caused any form of damage to Thinclient or a third party.
    • Violations of these Terms of Use.
    • Breaching the trust of, or defaming other Users or third parties.Infringing others' Privacy rights, Image rights etc.
    • Infringing on other Users' and/or third parties' industrial property rights (patents, trademarks etc.), copyright, trade secrets and/or intellectual property rights.
    • Uploading or posting unlawful content, and/or supporting or encouraging illegal activity including but not limited to causing injury, theft, suicide, the use and/or sales of illicit substances as well as acts that encourage, solicit or suggest the use and/or sales of drugs.
    • Maintaining content which violates local, regional, national, or international law; in particular that which violates US law.
    • Depictions and/or conduct that go against public order or are immoral. Publishing and/or releasing vulgarities, in the form of video, audio, image, text etc. against other Users and/or third parties; or assisting in such an act.
    • Hindering, interfering with, disturbing or blocking the use of Our Services to other Users, or engaging in conduct or performing actions which cause difficulty for others; or assisting in such an act.
    • Engaging in discrimination against individuals, specific groups, government organizations, nations, products, political administrations, beliefs, ideas, ideologies, race, religion, ethnicity, gender etc. ; or engaging in slander or libel or any similar act that causes defamation to others; or assisting in such an act.
    • Claiming to be another individual, business or organization, regardless of whether or not such an entity actually exists; and/or falsely claiming to be partners and/or in collaboration with an organization or business; or other such acts.
    • Impersonating Thinclient, management, or any other third party.
    • Publishing or posting defamatory content or information which could potentially lead to damages to Thinclient or Thinclient's business partner(s).
    • Acting in such a way as to place burden on Thinclient's server(s); disrupting, damaging, limiting or interfering with Thinclient's or others' computer software, hardware capabilities etc. or assisting in such an act.
    • Posting the same, or similar, post or comment repeatedly. Spamming and/or trolling or other such acts.
    • Engaging in conduct which is detrimental to the healthy development of, or causes harm to minors (eg. sending or posting violent images or text of child pornography, child prostitution, bestiality, or violence), or anything that promotes or assists such conduct.
    • Giving advanced notice of crimes or of actions leading to crime, or posting threatening information which can be viewed by an unspecified number of people.
    • Using Our Service(s) as a medium to do illegal business or commit conduct that runs counter to the law.
    • Engaging in malignant business practices, our excessive solicitation to advertisements or religion.
    • Establishing or recruiting people into pyramid schemes or other similar acts.
    • Selling or attempting to sell Our Service(s) to a third party.
    • Using, registering or upgrading mass amounts of software or programs, causing high access, and preventing our service from operating as intended.
    • Collecting, video recording, duplicating, falsifying, distributing and/or displaying of contents and/or data acquired from Our Services without permission or the use, introduction or suggesting of tools or other means that may promote or encourage these acts.
    • Inappropriate use or registration of multiple accounts or other conduct that prevents the stable operation of Our Services.
    • Engaging in conduct that is detrimental to Thinclient through misappropriate use and/or conducting prohibited actions by taking advantage of bugs, system malfunction etc.
    • Acting by deleting or concealing Thinclient's advertising space, or altering the position, color, size, code or other such properties of advertisements.
    • Engaging in any other action which Thinclient deem to be inappropriate.
  • Users and Members are forbidden to register any prohibited kind of content such as text, image etc.
  • Thinclient retains the right to deem what counts as a violation.

4. Limitation of Liability

Thinclient takes absolutely no responsibility for any of the following.
  • Thinclient is in no way liable or responsible for content that users register themselves on Our Service(s) (Hereby referred to as "User Content" or "Content".) Users retain full statutory liability, including any and all court costs or damage payments due to their User Content. Also, content violating laws and/or regulations, as well as violating others' privacy or intellectual property rights; or libelous, defamatory or intimidatory content; and/or immoral or obscene content is the full responsibility of the User to delete swiftly. Thinclient does not take responsibility for any User Content, and is not responsible to Users or third parties whatsoever.
  • Thinclient also does not guarantee the continuation of any of Our Service(s) whatsoever. Thinclient retains the right to discontinue any or all of our services without forewarning, or to convert previously free services into premium services. (We will endeavor to continue services, but may not be able to due to unforeseen circumstances.) Thinclient also retains the right to deny use, without forewarning, in particular cases. The same applies to third parties providing contents through Our Services. Please use Our Services with a full understanding of these Terms of Use.
  • Thinclient cannot be held accountable for any trouble you experience during use of Our Service(s). Users are responsible for managing their content. As such, if Users are in any way harmed or experience damage Thinclient is in no way responsible for compensation.
  • Thinclient is not obligated to monitor or delete User Contents. Users retain all responsibility for all their Content. Thinclient is not accountable for any damage or loss caused to Users or third parties due to any such Content.
  • In such cases where a User is harming or causing damage to other Users and/or third parties; Thinclient retains the right to, and shall not be held liable for, deleting and/or freezing the applicable User's ID and/or Contents, without forewarning, and at Thinclient's own discretion.
  • Thinclient shall not be held responsible for any loss of data due to system failure or file corruption etc. Users shall take their own backup of data relating to User Content. Thinclient shall not guarantee the integrity and security for any User Content data, in any way.
  • In the case that a User creates merchandise and/or other salable Content on Our Services which violates the Terms of Use, Thinclient takes no responsibility for the freezing of the offending User's contents or the refunding of money to purchasers.
  • Thinclient takes no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred from Users using Our Service(s), Users not being able to use Our Service(s) or Users not using Our Service(s).

5. These Terms of Use

  • This Document is the original version of the Terms of Use (the English version). All Users agree and acknowledge that the original version is legally binding.
  • If there is any difference or a contradiction between This Document and the translated version, the original version will be given priority.

6. Discontinuation of SafeVideo Service(s)

  • Thinclient retains the right to modify Our Service(s) without forewarning Users.
  • Thinclient may also, due to maintenance, system restoration, power failure, natural disaster or any other Force Majeure, permanently or temporarily discontinue any number of Our Service(s). In such cases we will attempt to notify Users beforehand; but in emergencies we may not be able to.
  • Thinclient retains the right to modify Service(s), or partially or completely discontinue Service(s) at Thinclient's discretion, at any time Thinclient deems appropriate. When or after a Service(s) is discontinued or erased, Thinclient retains the right to decide whether or not to erase all posted data on Thinclient servers (or third party servers used by Thinclient).
  • Thinclient is not liable to any Users, and is not responsible for any damages or losses incurred due to the discontinuation of Our Service(s) for any reason.

7. Guarantee Limitations

Thinclient will always try as hard as possible to maintain stability in Our Service(s), business practices, use and effects of use. However, Thinclient does not guarantee any of the following.
  • Continual operation. Operation of Service(s) without interruption.
  • Total or complete recovery or restoration of any Service(s) that experiences a defect or bug.
  • That destructive and/or malicious components such as computer viruses do not exist within Our Service(s).
  • Provision of security methods to secure against the above 3 items.

8. Force Majeure

Thinclient can not be held accountable for not meeting, or being delayed in fulfilling its obligations in these Terms of Use, including but not limited to, cases of natural disasters, inaction by authorities, fire, strike, flood, pandemic, violence, acts of war or other such circumstances which are reasonably beyond the powers of Thinclient to control.

9. Advertising

  • All business relating to placing advertising on Our Service(s) is the responsibility of Users and corresponding advertisers. Thinclient holds no responsibility for any losses or damages suffered, due to the posting of advertising on Our Service(s).
  • Thinclient may modify advertising space, position and/or display duration without forewarning. Users agree to and acknowledge this.

10. Revision of our Terms of Use

  • hinclient retains the right to alter or revise these Terms of Use at any time, as Thinclient deems necessary, without the consent of Users.
  • New stipulations in a revised Terms of Use will come into effect immediately after the Terms of Use have been posted onto the web.
  • The latest version of these Terms of Use shall be deemed to have been agreed to while Thinclient is still being used.